Electric Tankless Water Heater Installation Diagram

Thinking of installing an electric tankless water heater in your home to save on electricity and gas line costs? Keep in mind that this efficient option is a great choice for homes looking to reduce energy consumption.

Unlike traditional tank-style heaters, electric tankless water heaters offer numerous advantages such as energy efficiency for homes, space-saving design, and an endless hot water supply. Plus, they do not require a gas line. However, before you dive into this project, there are a few key factors to keep in mind – the size and model of your current water heater, the type of electrical work required for electricity, and ensuring compliance with local building codes in homes. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth installation that will provide you with reliable hot water for years to come. Whether you’re working with gas or electricity, make sure to securely fasten the screws for optimal performance.

Assessing Home Readiness

Electrical Requirements

To install a gas tankless water heater, it is crucial to understand the specific electrical requirements for your home. Hiring a licensed electrician for installation of the current water heater is highly recommended to ensure safety and compliance with local codes. Plus, it is important to note that gas water heaters are also commonly used in homes. The electrician will assess the existing electrical system in your home and determine if any upgrades or modifications are needed, including assessing the gas phase. Dedicated gas circuits are typically required to handle the power demands of the water heater in the gas phase, and proper grounding is essential for safe operation, plus efficiency.

Space Considerations

When considering the installation of an electric tankless water heater, space requirements for gas and electric models should be taken into account. Plus, the installation process for both types of heaters is relatively simple. These compact units are known for their small size, making them ideal for homes with limited space compared to traditional water heaters. Plus, they offer the same functionality and performance as their larger counterparts. However, it is important to ensure sufficient clearance around the unit for maintenance purposes, plus additional space if needed. This ensures easy access for inspections and repairs when necessary, plus it provides convenience for maintenance.

Water Supply

Proper water supply is vital for optimal performance of an electric tankless water heater, plus it ensures efficient operation. Adequate flow rate and pressure are necessary to ensure a constant supply of hot water throughout the home. It is essential to have a clean and debris-free water supply as well, as sediment can affect the efficiency and lifespan of the unit.

Pressure Valves

Pressure valves play a critical role in an electric tankless water heater system. They help regulate pressure within the unit, preventing damage from excessive pressure buildup. Different types of pressure valves may be used in installations depending on specific needs. Proper installation and regular maintenance of these valves are essential to ensure their effectiveness in protecting the system.

Preparing for Installation

Shutdown Procedures

Before starting the installation process of an electric tankless water heater, it is crucial to follow proper shutdown procedures. This ensures safety and prevents any potential risks. The first step is to turn off the power supply to the water heater at the circuit breaker or fuse box. This will prevent any electrical accidents during maintenance or repairs. It is important to close off the water supply valve leading to the water heater. By doing so, you can avoid any leaks or flooding while working on the unit.

Draining Old Heater

When replacing a traditional water heater with an electric tankless unit, it is necessary to drain the old heater properly. It is essential to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for draining procedures. Typically, this involves connecting a hose to the drain valve and directing it towards a suitable drainage area. Properly draining the old heater ensures that no residual water remains, preventing damage or corrosion in both the old and new units.

Removal Process

Removing an old traditional water heater requires specific steps and safety precautions. Start by turning off power and gas supply if applicable before beginning any removal procedures. Next, disconnect all plumbing connections from the unit using appropriate tools such as wrenches or pliers. Once disconnected, carefully remove the old water heater from its location, taking care not to damage surrounding structures or flooring.

Proper disposal or recycling of old units should be considered after removal. Many local waste management facilities offer programs for recycling appliances like water heaters.

Mounting the Unit

Wall Selection

When selecting a suitable wall for electric tankless water heater installation, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, it is important to choose a load-bearing wall that can support the weight of the unit. This ensures secure attachment and prevents any potential damage or accidents.

Another factor to consider is the proximity to electrical and plumbing connections. It is recommended to install the unit near existing electrical panels and water supply lines for easier installation and maintenance.

It is crucial to select a wall with sufficient space around it. The electric tankless water heater requires proper ventilation for efficient operation. Choosing a wall with enough clearance allows for adequate airflow and helps prevent overheating issues.

If an unsuitable wall is chosen for installation, it may lead to various issues. For example, attaching the unit to a non-load-bearing wall can result in instability and potential damage to both the unit and the wall itself. Moreover, inadequate ventilation due to improper wall selection can cause the unit to overheat or malfunction.

Secure Attachment

To ensure proper attachment of an electric tankless water heater, it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. These guidelines typically include specific methods and materials for securely mounting the unit.

Common methods used for attachment include using brackets or mounting plates that come with the unit. These brackets are designed to provide stability and support while keeping the unit firmly attached to the selected wall.

It is important not to overlook this step as improper or insecure attachment can pose risks such as detachment from the wall or even falling off completely. This can lead to damage not only to the unit but also potentially cause harm or injury if someone is nearby when it happens.

Wiring the Heater

Electrical Connections

To properly install an electric tankless water heater, it is crucial to ensure the necessary electrical connections are in place. Hiring a licensed electrician is highly recommended to guarantee safe and proper wiring. Faulty electrical connections can lead to various risks, including electrical shocks or even fires. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize the expertise of a professional when dealing with electrical installations.

Circuit Breaker Activation

Activating the circuit breaker correctly is another crucial step in installing an electric tankless water heater. It involves ensuring proper sizing and installation of the circuit breakers. This ensures that the unit receives the appropriate amount of power without overloading the system. If circuit breakers are not adequately activated, issues such as frequent tripping or inadequate heating may occur.

When activating the circuit breaker for your electric tankless water heater, consult with a licensed electrician who can guide you through the process and ensure everything is done correctly. They will help determine the appropriate size of circuit breakers needed for your specific unit and provide guidance on proper installation techniques.

Remember, working with electricity requires caution and expertise. Always prioritize safety by seeking professional assistance from a licensed electrician for any electrical work related to your tankless water heater installation.

Plumbing Connections

Pipe Fitting

There are a few types of pipes commonly used. These include copper pipes, PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) pipes, and CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) pipes. Copper pipes are durable and can handle high temperatures, making them a popular choice. PEX pipes are flexible and easy to install, while CPVC pipes are resistant to corrosion.

To ensure leak-free connections, it is important to properly fit and secure the pipes. This involves cutting the pipes to the desired length using a pipe cutter or hacksaw. Next, pipe fittings such as couplings, elbows, and tees are used to connect the sections of pipe together. These fittings can be soldered for copper pipes or connected with crimp rings for PEX or CPVC pipes.

Improper pipe fitting can lead to leaks and water damage. It is crucial to follow manufacturer guidelines and local plumbing codes when installing the piping system for an electric tankless water heater.

Valve Installation

Valves play a vital role in the installation of an electric tankless water heater system. Two important valves that need to be installed are shut-off valves and pressure relief valves.

Shut-off valves allow you to turn off the water supply to the heater for maintenance or repairs. They should be installed on both the cold-water inlet and hot-water outlet lines of the heater.

Pressure relief valves help prevent excessive pressure buildup within the water heater system. These valves open automatically if the pressure exceeds safe levels, releasing hot water from the system.

Proper valve installation is crucial for safety and functionality. Faulty valve installation can result in leaks or even dangerous situations such as explosions due to excessive pressure.

When installing shut-off valves and pressure relief valves, it is important to consult manufacturer instructions and adhere to plumbing codes for proper placement and sizing.

System Testing

Bleeding Process

After the installation of an electric tankless water heater system, it is crucial to bleed any air from the system. This process involves removing air pockets that may have formed during installation. By bleeding the system, you ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

To bleed the system, start by turning off the power to the water heater and closing all hot water taps in your home. Next, locate the bleeder valve on the unit and open it using a wrench or pliers. Allow any trapped air to escape until a steady flow of water is observed from the valve.

It is important to perform this process correctly as failing to remove air pockets can lead to issues such as reduced water pressure or inconsistent temperature control. If you notice any problems after bleeding the system, it may be necessary to repeat the process or seek professional assistance.

Temperature Verification

Verifying and adjusting temperature settings on an electric tankless water heater is essential for both safety and comfort. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for this process.

Typically, temperature verification involves accessing the control panel of the water heater and using either buttons or dials to adjust the desired temperature. Some models may require entering a code or password for security purposes.

Incorrect temperature settings can pose risks such as scalding or inadequate hot water supply. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that you set your electric tankless water heater at a safe and comfortable temperature according to your needs.

Comparison of Heater Types

Gas vs Electric

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to go with a gas or electric unit. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider your specific needs and circumstances.

Gas-powered tankless water heaters offer several benefits. They provide a higher flow rate, making them ideal for larger households or homes with high hot water demand. Gas units also tend to heat water more quickly than electric models. However, they require access to natural gas or propane and proper ventilation for safe operation.

On the other hand, electric tankless water heaters are often more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. These units don’t produce any greenhouse gas emissions during operation and can help lower your carbon footprint. Electric models are typically smaller in size and easier to install since they don’t require venting.

Efficiency Analysis Electric tankless water heaters are known for their energy efficiency ratings and performance benefits. These units only heat water when it’s needed, eliminating standby heat loss that occurs with traditional storage tanks. As a result, they can help reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills over time.

In addition to their energy-saving capabilities, electric tankless water heaters offer potential long-term savings compared to conventional water heaters. While the upfront cost may be higher, the reduced energy usage can lead to significant financial savings in the long run.

When considering an electric tankless water heater installation diagram, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of both gas and electric options. Evaluate factors such as your household size, hot water demand, available fuel sources, installation requirements, and budget before making a decision.

3-Phase Wiring Considerations

Suitability Assessment

When considering the installation of an electric tankless water heater, it is important to assess its suitability for your specific household or application. Several factors should be taken into account during this assessment. First and foremost, you need to consider the hot water demand of your household. An electric tankless water heater may not be suitable for a large family with high hot water usage if it cannot meet the demand effectively.

Another crucial factor is the available electrical capacity in your home. Electric tankless water heaters require a significant amount of power to operate efficiently, so it is essential to ensure that your electrical system can support the increased load. Space limitations should also be considered as electric tankless water heaters typically have smaller footprints compared to traditional storage tank units.

Failure to properly assess the suitability of an electric tankless water heater can lead to challenges down the line. If the unit is not capable of meeting your hot water demands or exceeds your electrical capacity, you may experience inadequate heating or frequent tripping of circuit breakers.

Installation Differences

The installation process for an electric tankless water heater differs from that of a traditional storage tank unit in several ways. One notable difference is space requirements. Electric tankless water heaters are generally more compact and can be installed in smaller spaces compared to their bulkier counterparts.

In terms of electrical connections, electric tankless water heaters require three-phase wiring instead of single-phase wiring used by traditional units. This means that additional considerations need to be made during installation, such as ensuring proper wiring and breaker size compatibility.

Plumbing considerations also come into play when installing an electric tankless water heater. It is important to ensure adequate flow rates and pressure for optimal performance. In some cases, modifications may be required to accommodate these requirements.

Choosing an electric tankless water heater over a traditional unit offers several potential advantages such as energy savings and unlimited hot water supply. However, it is crucial to understand and address the installation differences to ensure a successful and efficient setup.


Congratulations! You’ve now completed all the sections on electric tankless water heater installation. By following the steps outlined in this article, you are well-equipped to successfully install your own electric tankless water heater.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority throughout the installation process. If you’re unsure about any step or encounter any difficulties, it’s best to consult a professional plumber or electrician for assistance.

Now that you have the knowledge and skills to install an electric tankless water heater, you can enjoy the benefits of endless hot water while saving energy and space in your home. So go ahead and take action! Upgrade your water heating system today and experience the convenience and efficiency of an electric tankless water heater.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does an electric tankless water heater work?

An electric tankless water heater works by heating the water directly as it flows through the unit. When you turn on a hot water tap, cold water enters the heater and passes over powerful heating elements, rapidly raising its temperature. This ensures you have a constant supply of hot water whenever you need it.

What are the benefits of installing an electric tankless water heater?

Installing an electric tankless water heater offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides endless hot water on demand, eliminating the need to wait for a storage tank to refill. It saves space as there is no bulky tank required. It is also energy-efficient since it only heats the water when needed, reducing standby heat loss.

Can I install an electric tankless water heater myself?

While some homeowners may have the necessary skills and knowledge to install an electric tankless water heater themselves, it is generally recommended to hire a professional plumber or electrician for installation. They will ensure proper wiring connections and plumbing fittings, ensuring safety and optimal performance.

Do I need special wiring for an electric tankless water heater?

Yes, an electric tankless water heater typically requires special wiring due to its high power requirements. It often needs dedicated circuits with appropriate wire gauge and breaker sizes. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified electrician who can assess your electrical system’s capacity and make any necessary upgrades for safe operation.

Are there any considerations for 3-phase wiring when installing an electric tankless water heater?

If you are considering installing a larger capacity electric tankless water heater or multiple units in commercial settings, 3-phase wiring may be required. This type of electrical setup allows for better distribution of power across different phases, ensuring balanced loads and efficient operation. Consult with an experienced electrician to determine if 3-phase wiring is necessary for your specific installation scenario.